Oh my goodness I enjoy your posts SO MUCH!

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Thanks April!

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Same! Great prompts!

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Yes! Always so inspiring and exciting to a creative mind

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The color wheel prompt inspires me to play with my palette and draw my moods.

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May 22Liked by Grant Snider

These truly inspire creativity! Thank you.

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I appreciate it, Julie :)

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I have a wish bone. Would like to make a wish. Need to share to make your comic well appreciated and loved by more readers unknown to discover dreams come true.

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This is fantastic. I’ve been using Koch’s Wishes, Lies and Dreams for years with young poets and they are going to love this. Thank you! I’m sharing this with California Poets in the Schools.

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Amazing, thank you for sharing it! It's such a great book and resource for teaching.

You may have already seen these, but you can find more poetry comics exercises are here:



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Wonderful; these will be shared too! Thanks for your generosity and great exercises, this is what makes the world go up not down :).

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Love this, Grant. Substack synchronicity strikes again - your colour wheel links nicely with the article I published on exploring 'how we construct our emotions!'

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Nice, I will check it out!

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Poetry is wonderful way to pierce the armor and filters we use as shields. Your poerty and illustrations wash over me like a warm shower.

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well said!

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The colours poem is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

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May 22Liked by Grant Snider

OM gosh! I love this post and I love all your wonderful drawings and words!!! You inspired me to think about what the colors mean to me. Here goes: red is danger; orange is joy; yellow is happiness; green is nature; blue is calm; and violet is warmth.

Thank you. It was fun and enlightening, too. (BTW -- we notice you.)

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Love your wellspring of imagination and creativity, with a simplicity that is just plain awe inspiring.

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Thanks Paul, I strive for simplicity but sometimes overcomplicate things :)

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May 22Liked by Grant Snider

Love those books! I've gotten so many good prompts out of them.

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Glad to hear it!

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May 22Liked by Grant Snider

You must translate your work to my language Grant and publish to the market here

What a brilhante work always

I you love to help you to promote your book here

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I hope to do that, thank you!

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The color of emotions was an intriguing and challenging exercise. I have no idea how I would illustrate those, but I like what you did with them.

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thank you!

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May 23Liked by Grant Snider

dear grant,

another wonderful post. thank you for sharing! i only wish there were ways to include drawings in this comments section. or maybe that's not my ONLY wish. i also wish for the end of suffering and presence of infinite joy for all sentient beings. and i don't know what my third wish would be.

much love, thank you again!


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Ha, at least one seems attainable! Notes is a good way to share drawings/comments but would be nice to have an option on the posts. End of suffering and infinite joy for all, let's get started on that!

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Fabulous!!! I am looking forward to the Italian translation!!!

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