Ooh, another person who knows about Krazy Kat! The greatest of all comics, and on my Lock Screen on my phone.

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Agreed! I have a Krazy Kat poster on my studio wall.

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make that three

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It was interesting to read the text, but these fantastic cartoons don’t need anything else at all, they are absolutely terrific and self-explanatory. Wonderful work, sharing with my brother right now who will 100% relate!

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Thank you! The reminiscing text is more for my own purposes, sometimes I have to look back to remind myself of the work I've done and reframe my attitude about all I want to accomplish in the future 😊

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Wow! These ones remind me of “carte du tendre”, sort of maps of feeling and state of mind. And in the last one i can spot the Lorax!

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I've heard the term "mindmap," but "carte du tendre" sounds so much more poetic. Love the phrase and I agree!

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Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

Is it by intention that the rope of bad decisions seems to be going THROUGH beer & coffee?

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Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

dear grant,

beautiful pictures and words as always!

this is poetic: "I’m still climbing into those high, thin branches where all the answers are locked. I’ve caught a few elusive hopes and dreams, but there’s still a whole flock of them up there, just out of reach."

thank you for climbing and sharing the fruits of those climbs with us!



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Thank you, Myq!

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I pegged the Wild Thing as Maurice Sendak, and then I realized that it Sendak as drawn by Anno. Is that correct, and does someone else still love Anno? I bought his books for my children but I think I pored over them more than they did. Perhaps it requires more knowledge of history and art than they had then.

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I think I found Anno's books some years after I drew the cartoon, but the perspective in that drawing definitely reminds me of his work! I love the detail and architectural mastery in his drawings. Definitely a unique picture book creator!

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Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

It just occurred to me that the best dentists I've ever had (and they're numerous in my 84 years) have also been artists.

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That's great!

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I love your trees!!! I’d like to share mine with you. http://saidthecat.blogspot.com/2023/07/i-need-appointment.html?m=0

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

I loved this post, especially the homage to Rube Goldberg in your third cartoon. At least it's shaped like one.

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make that three

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SO COOL, Grant! Hmmmm now I'm wondering what a comic of caregiving looks like...

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Interesting question, I do have some a comic or two on parenting I will share in the next couple months!

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Thanks Grant - Eldercarer, sandwich carer and caregiving to passing etc …and helping carers…there are so many angles…I’ve pondered on how to support communication; difficult conversations too… several interesting threads to pull!

Just realised - I think it's an evolution of your Tree of Adulthood to take into account ageing parents, children growing - thoughts?

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But the most important question is do you have truffula trees?

(That may not be spelt correctly, it's years since I opened my book of Seuss!)

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Ha, yes! I still read that book weekly to my younger kids :)

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There's so much going on there, my eyes hurt!

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Mine too, that's why I started drawing simpler cartoons at a bigger scale! 😁

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That gave me a laugh, thanks!

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Jun 14Liked by Grant Snider

I love these. I'm so glad I subscribed. I relate fully to your insights. They bring hope and laughter to the "insanity of humanity" in a very personal and adorable way.

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Thank you, Murray! "Insanity of humanity" is a great phrase.

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Aaah. I love seeing these

Conglomeration of reality and hopes. I could pour over these for hours. Like a good ol chhose your own adventure book.

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Thank you, Kris!

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Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

I own Bookshelf, Living and Ideas all in hard copy and they sit proudly and with remarkable kinship alongside works of poetry, non-fiction, arts-based research methodology and feminist history. All sorts of beautiful resonances and joyful perspectives in your work. ❤️

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A great place to shelve them, thanks so much!

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Jun 13Liked by Grant Snider

Loved this so much! An orthodontist by training??? I never would have guessed!😂

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Loved the huge cartoons. Read almost all of the writing to my Husband. We both enjoyed it immenselyy.

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Glad to hear it!

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