I loved this. Thank you. :)

A wonderful thing about iridescence - it's a way to colour things that aren't actually coloured at all. For example, there's a type of butterfly that *looks* a luminous bright blue - but it's just the way the light is interacting with its surface, and in reality it's a dull brown colour: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/the-butterfly-effect-how-blue-morpho-wings-could-stop-counterfeiting This trick (structural colour) is leading to all sorts of weird new experiments - and might also help with keeping buildings cool, by changing their external colour in realtime in reaction to sunlight. VERY TRIPPY INDEED.

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Wow, I love that description! And the morpho butterfly is amazing. I could read a whole book on structural color.

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Love referring to a person as incandescent. Brilliant!

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I love this! Reminds me of the scene in Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love” when they discuss their favorite word. Brings me back to a moment in my life when my family was sailing together on a boat named “Alacrity”. Such a gorgeous word and so fitting for the moment we were living - all together on the open water in the sunshine. It was all happy. One of the last memories I have of us all together genuinely enjoying each others presence before my parents split up. Thanks for bringing this memory back!

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Such a delightful collection of words!

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The glow of your pastel pen and pencil light up the phosphorescence of two chemicals needed for bio luminescence . Pellucid points of Gemini stars lucifrace and Luciferin . (Check spelling) strokes of genius research.

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Thank you, Michael!

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