There will be another stage: grandparent of a toddler so you can repeat it again with less responsibility. 🤣

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Jun 17Liked by Grant Snider

dear grant,

this is beautiful. i love those yin-yangs! what a perfect form/function collaboration there!

much love


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As a grandma, this is totally relatable. 😂

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A toddler is a person who wants to go barefoot with their shoes on.

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That says it all!

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Three of my grandchildren are toddlers, and it’s so much chaotic fun!

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As a mama of a talkative toddler and a tiny who is very close to toddling, this is such a beautiful and relatable comic! Thank you for sharing ❤️

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I miss those years.

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An absolute delight. The comic, I mean. The toddler is a menace. A delightful menace, but a menace.

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This is incredible. My daughter turned 7 recently. [Sung: "we never change do we?" (Coldplay)]

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Jun 17Liked by Grant Snider

The endless reading of the same book was gold! I read Johnny Go Round so many times I can still recite the whole thing fifty years later. Lol.

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Jun 17Liked by Grant Snider

Love these, Grant😂

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This is so cute! I have a niece and she’s definitely like this a lot of the time! 😅

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This is my life in a comic strip right now. Never a dull day! :)

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I love all of this. Especially the language ones. My 2-year-old calls everything "dinosaur". He was playing with a toy cat and I said "kitty", to which he responded: "kitty dinosaur, kitty dinosaur..." as he made it walk up my husband's leg to attack him.

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Jun 18Liked by Grant Snider

All of these are so spot on 🤣 I love the duality of the toddler, and it is also the most frustrating ;)

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My daughter is in the middle of this phase and it cracks me up to see her go through it and realize just what it was like for me with her antics.

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