I’m crying with laughter. This is so delightfully funny, I love this so much! The worst is when you invite fellow writers over, having enthused over their choice of books when at their house (fakely or not), and they don’t even look at yours. Thank you do your unceasingly wonderful mind and artistry.

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Enjoyed your approach to this. I used to give assignments to student in an Environmental (Not ecological) Psychology class to do this. You can learn a lot by the environment people choose to live in.! I liked your categories based on the number of books an book case organization.

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Also one's CD and vinyl collection. (Husband and I are old school GenXers and don't do much streaming. We've got a um....few thousand CDs and records)

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Brilliant... amused.

My deepest appreciation on creating and sharing a classy contend.

More power to you.

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dear grant,

love this!

i love "install a secret bookcase"!

and "needs more proust"!

thanks for sharing!

much love


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Sometimes it feels like snooping or too personal to look at their bookshelves.

Sometimes I judge people and myself by what’s in their grocery shopping carts…

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I also sneak away during parties to look at the bookshelf. Do I read? Not much. Do I like looking like I read? Yes.

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Our bookshelves are almost bare. However, the library record shows my wife and I have saved over $25,000 through borrowing. Judge us not by our bookshelves but by the money we saved through intelligent use of the library.

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Alright, let's see your bookshelf.

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Maybe I will work up the courage for a future post!

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Let’s see Paul Allen’s bookshelf

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I love this for so many reasons (and actually the first thing I look at when I have a new subscriber is their “reads” list. What you read is who you are!

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Hey, Lord of the Flies is good! But also, I’m a high school teacher, so I guess you judged me well: stuck in high school. The secret bookshelf door is genius. I remember encountering one concealing a climbing gym.

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Thank you for reminding me of the crucial role poetry played in my life during COVID/somewhat of a response to your 6/28 query.

Please go to https://www.805lit.org/post/suzanne-austin-hill

Grateful for all readers, editors and judges.

Suzanne S. Austin-Hill

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Blame autocorrect - ‘for’ not ‘do’ 🙄

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A red book is a painted cover that is indebted to you for reading.

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Without a proper bookshelf, just an old painted green bench that reaches from wall to wall, I don’t feel qualified to comment, but there are hundreds of books on that said “shelf” in a two-room wooded house without running water…

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Haha! This was a great comic. In a way, bookshelves can be a pretty neat reflection of someone's taste.

Another way to practice introspection (to understand your psyche) is to look at your own bookshelf ;)

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