Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

dear grant,

these are great!

may i offer some ideas of names for some of your feelings without names?

the sound of an unseen cricket = knock-knocturnal

a wish that you could live in a story = a yarn-yearn (a YeARN)

riding home with a flat tire = retiring

hiding in a garden = camo-flower-age

watching light dance underwater = luminoceanse

drying off with a wet towel = sisyphus's saturation

walking into a spider-web = arachnambulation

chewing an eraser = mastic-erasure? (STILL CHEWING ON THIS ONE, MIGHT ERASE IT)

feeling full from dinner but hungry for dessert = schrodinger's stomach

spending too long in the bathtub = prunification

feeling like your life is changing faster than you can keep up = life

thank you for sharing these delightful arts and ideas as always!

much love


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Ha! I love it! Mind if I borrow these for a future post (with credit to you of course). Will let you know when and how I plan on using them. My favorite is either "luminoceanse" or "arachnambulation." Brilliant.

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Of course! I would be honored and delighted! Thank you Grant!

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

This is awesome! Love every one of them!!

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

thank you so much!

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

I felt all of these! Thanks, Grant!

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Thank you!

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Grant, I love these, especially walking into a spiderweb, which I noticed other people have reacted to also. I can also relate to being full from dinner, but still wanting dessert. you are so clever and creative and perceptive!

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Spiderwebs always get me when I'm running, especially in autumn. I try not to hold it against them :)

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Oh, I’d love to have a name for the feeling of walking into a spiderweb. This happens way too often. 😂

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

Wishing you could live In A story…..❤️

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I have actually accomplished that on several occasions.

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

I think walking into a spiderweb might be flappergusting.

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Great word for it!

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

I’m making this a thing in our house. 💙

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Ooh, we have a saying in Afrikaans for when you stay too long in the bathtub - “Ek het ouma vingers”, which roughly translates to “I have granny fingers”. Because your fingers become all wrinkly.

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That's a great way of saying it :)

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Grant Snider

Hello Grant,

Feeling full from diner but hungry for dessert -- we got a name for this in Japanese: it's "betsubara", meaning another stomach. :)

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A perfect word!

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These comics are just so relatable!

I just had to dry off the bathroom floor with a wet towel after a shower head incident. How did you know?!?!

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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

I LOVE THESE! I call such posts a ponderhole. You can get lost in time thinking up words!

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Grant - I feel the need for A Dictionary of Obscure Feelings is needed - something tells me you’re just the man to write it.

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Great idea!

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Watching light dance under water = bliss!

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these are just wonderful, Grant!

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I felt literally all too!

The sound of an unseen cricket relates me too much, another reason why it's hard for me to sleep!

Watching light dance underwater is so satisfying to watch, also a reason why I just love Hotel swimming pools!

Feeling full for dinner- but hungry for dessert! Is the number one thing I always do. My mom takes out cakes or some brownies after dinner then I just suddenly pop up near her asking for chocolates, then she says, didn't you say you were full from dinner?? you didn't even finish your plate!

Chewing on an eraser.... I have no reason to do that. Because I am just thinking "i am so so booored!"

Wishing you were part or inside a story is so so relatable! I always draw random comics about myself INSIDE the story, just at least a background character...

Thanks a lot for these relatable feelings without names! Good Luck on making up names for them!

See ya soon! ;)


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Thank you, Miya!

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Jun 5Liked by Grant Snider


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Jun 4Liked by Grant Snider

I could use some serious shrivellescing in the tub with this book and… what’s that thing called that holds the book above the bubbles?

Great stuff!

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I've resorted to using my e-reader in the tub, too many damaged library books :)

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